Views: 27 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-04-23 Origin: Site
All of us want to wear a pretty dress in summer, so the hair removal is most of us concerned. Several years ago, we still shave the legs, arms, but after only about 1 week, then hairs come back again and grows faster. And some switched to waxing. Then the hair begins to creep back in and you are stuck with it for at least two weeks. After several times, when bored with this back-and-forth business. Then many people recognize that: It was time to look into a more permanent option.
So when first time hear the laser hair removal, many people have doubt that if it really effective? It can achieve permanent hair removal? How? We know that the growth of the hair depends on the Hair follicle, so everytime you shave the hair,you never Never damage hair follicles. But Laser hair removalispermanentwhen thehairfollicle is destroyed.
Thelaseremits the "Golden Standard " 808nm, 755nm and 1064nm three wavelength light, that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in thehair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hairfollicles) that produce hairs. This damage inhibits or delays futurehairgrowth.
Some people feedback that still have the hair growth after 1 treatment, that is normal, because of the Hair growth cycle, in general need 3-5 sessions can reach the permanent hair removal. Treatment according to doctor's/beautician’s recommendation. During the laser treatment sessions,do not use other hair removal products.
ADD: Room 402, Building A-5, Guoxietang Industrial Park, 509 Taihang South Street, High-tech Zone, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province E-mail: WhatsApp:+8617303297281 CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Wong
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