Views: 433 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-04-08 Origin: Site
Laser hair removal before and after care
The upcoming summer season is the peak season for laser hair removal and orders for laser hair removal machines at Newangie have skyrocketed. We want to ensure that your l client's treatment reaches its full potential, so we have put together some tips to achieve the best possible results:
Preparation of the client for laser hair removal:
Shaving within 12-24 hours prior to treatment will remove the necessary amount of hair growth and avoid stinging during the procedure.
Avoid the use of tanning beds and sunless tanning products to prevent adverse reactions. Wear a high factor sunscreen and keep your skin thoroughly moisturised.
For laser hair removal to work, hair follicles must be present! Do not wax, pluck or wax for 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Prior to your laser hair removal treatment, ensure your skin is clean, dry and free from any makeup, lotions, deodorants or make-up.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment so that you can easily expose the area to be treated and feel comfortable afterwards.
Sunburned skin, skin that is hot to the touch, peeling skin or otherwise damaged skin should not be treated.
Precautions to take after laser hair removal
Don't miss every treatment!!! This is most important!!!
Avoid using extremely hot baths, showers or steam rooms for at least 48 hours after treatment.
If any hyperpigmentation or discolouration occurs, apply a vitamin E cream or oil. This will help to soothe the skin.
Avoid sun exposure and other sources of UV light for 7 days after treatment. Discreet sun exposure may be resumed for up to 30 minutes on days 7-14 after treatment, using a zinc oxide sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) daily. Avoid using sunbeds for 14 days after treatment. Apply zinc oxide sunscreen (SPF 30 or above) and use daily throughout the treatment.
Mineral make-up may be used on any facial area treated with laser hair removal. To avoid any irritation, other cosmetics should be avoided until the skin has had time to heal.
Avoid the use of deodorants for at least three days after treatment to avoid skin irritation.
Itching is a rare side effect of laser hair removal. However, if this occurs, it is important not to scratch the affected area as this can break the skin and cause crusting which can lead to scarring. Persistence can be treated with over-the-counter cortisone ointment and/or oral anti-inflammatory medication (Benadryl) in addition to the use of cool cloths and restorative gels. Do not apply ice directly to the treated area.
Avoiding excessive exercise for 48 hours after treatment will minimise any irritation.
For more details please contact us!